hate complicated stuff. The easier the
better. Don’t get me wrong I welcome a
challenge—but there’s a big difference between a challenge and unnecessary
complexities. Oh how I’ve endured my
share of both (how do you think I learned the difference?
consider a challenge a situation that puts your skill and will to the test, yet
leaves you with a sense of achievement.
I consider unnecessary complexities as things designed to confuse and
obstruct progress, leaving you with a sense of “Aaargh!” (think navigating through
the Facebook timeline. boo.)
know who knew how to keep it simple?
Jesus, that’s who!
when He turned water into wine? Remember
when He said, “Hey
everybody, look what I can do!” Yeah,
neither do I because Jesus did not make a big show out of replenishing the wine. His directions to the servants were quite
“Jesus said to the servants,
‘Fill the jars with water’; so they
filled them to the brim. Then he told
them, ‘Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.’ They did so...” ---John 2:7-8
simple instructions and immediate obedience.
The Scriptures do not record the servants as grumbling or asking
questions. This is a good example of
faith and obedience. In addition, Jesus
was discreet in performing this miraculous act.
Scriptures state that the master of the banquet tasted the wine and “did
not realize where it had come from” (vs. 10).
You know, there are times when He moves in our lives and we don’t even know
He’s been at work until it is done.
simple instructions and immediate obedience major blessings took place:
The water was turned into wine and replenished for the wedding
- When the disciples saw the miracle they
believed (“…He thus revealed his glory,
and his disciples put their faith in him."—John 2:11)
What directions has God spoken to your heart? Whether they are simple or not, BE obedient.
Learn the lesson. Experience the blessing.
Lord~ when you give directions may I follow
immediately, without complaint, without question.
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